The Cities Go Climate Neutral project aims to enhance and improve the competencies of municipal employees to enable them to develop strategies for climate-neutral cities, such as Climate City Contracts.
Additionally, it will strengthen the innovation and design capacities of municipal employees in relation to urban sustainable development by providing specific training on strategy development and entrepreneurship.
The project focuses on the following priorities:
• Environment and climate change mitigation
• Adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market
•Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity
The project covers the following topics:
• Environment and climate change
• Digital skills and competencies
• Creation of new, innovative, or collaborative curricula or courses
Expected outcomes of the project include:
• “Roadmap for Designing Local Strategies for Climate-Neutral Cities” for the professional development of municipal officials
• Training course on “Transition to Climate-Neutral Cities”
• Videos showcasing “Success Stories of Initiatives for Transitioning to Climate Neutrality in Cities”
• Online hub for “Transition to Climate Neutral Cities”
The target groups of the project include employees of local and regional authorities and elected officials who want to enhance their competencies, learn about EU policies aimed at addressing climate change and promoting the transition to climate neutrality, and develop climate-neutral strategies for cities, such as Climate City Contracts.
Additionally, the project is expected to have an indirect impact on target groups such as representatives of civil society organizations and active citizens, including those working with vulnerable social groups, the private sector, higher education institutions (both researchers and students), national and EU bodies with an interest in ecological and sustainable urban planning disciplines.